Citeste!Instructiuni Oficiale Loteria Vizelor DV-2026

Toate vizele pentru editia DV-2023 au fost acordate

Interviurile pentru editia DV-2023 se desfasoara in perioada 1.10.2022-30.09.2023. Sunt acordate un maxim de 55.000 de vize celor care au solicitat o viza DV si numarul lor de dosar a devenit eligibil pentru procesarea finala si au fost invitati la un interviu.

In data de 7 septembrie 2023, Departamentul de Stat American a dat publicitatii un comunicat in care anunta ca pentru editia DV-2023 toate vizele au fost acordate.

Cu aceasta ocazie se confirma si faptul ca in acest an va avea loc editia DV-2025. Incepand cu data de 1 octombrie 2023 incep interviurile pentru editia DV-2024.

Comunicatul oficial in limba engleza il gasiti mai jos:

Update on Diversity Visa (DV) Program 2023
Last Updated: September 7, 2023

The Diversity Visa (DV) program awards up to 55,000 immigrant visas per year and allows those from countries with low immigration rates to the United States, to enter for a chance to apply for a U.S immigrant visa. Since its launch in 1990, the program has continued the ongoing policy priority to promote and maintain diversity in the United States. This year, the Department of State is on track to reach the annual DV issuance limit for 2023 before the end of the fiscal year. As of September 5, 2023, there have been more than 54,000 issuances/adjustments of status worldwide out of the 54,833 DVs available for FY 2023. Additionally, under U.S. immigration law no single country can receive more than seven percent of the available DVs in any one fiscal year. As we are approaching these caps in some countries, such as Algeria and Nepal, it may become necessary to take steps to avoid exceeding the country-specific numerical limits. This includes potentially canceling visa interview appointments.

Update: As of September 7, 2023, the Department of State has issued all available DVs for the 2023 DV Program.

We acknowledge that the early conclusion of the 2023 program may be disappointing to selectees who were unable to receive a visa. The 2025 Diversity Visa program entry period will open in early October of this year, and we encourage all who are eligible to apply. As previously stated in the DV-2023 program instructions, the DV program is limited to the issuance of approximately 55,000 visas each fiscal year. Selection does not guarantee that an applicant will receive a visa interview or a visa. Selection merely means the person may be eligible to participate in the DV program and may potentially apply for a visa, but it is not a guarantee. Due to the probability that some of the first 55,000 persons selected will not qualify for visas or ultimately choose not to participate in the program, more individuals are selected to participate in the program each year than the number of visas which are available. This is done to ensure we are able to issue the maximum number of visas available under the DV program in any given year. The Department of State remains committed to facilitating travel for DV recipients and recognizes the important contributions these individuals bring to our communities.